Grafted Into the Family

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the bible makes very clear that God’s plan of redemption included Gentiles (those not of Jewish heritage). Prior to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection, gentiles were not included in the conversations of jews as being “worthy” to be included with them. in fact gentiles were seen as unclean when compared to the people of israel. they could not eat with jews nor could they be seen in public talking or interacting with jews. it just wasn’t the culture to include gentiles in the hope of the Messiah one day coming to restore them also. 

Well God made it clear that when jesus came to earth and went to the cross, it was for all of mankind – jews & gentiles, past, present, and future. the sins of the entire world were atoned for through the sacrifice of jesus and all who believe in him from that time forward would be saved. As a result of being grafted in, gentiles: (1) were granted repentance to life by god, (2) became sons of god with rights and privileges of natural-born kingdom citizens, (3) became heirs with christ in god’s kingdom, and (4) were given the privilege of being able to cry out to Abba Father directly. Gentiles did not have access to any of this prior to christ’s sacrifice.

For there is no disctinction between Jew and gentile; for the lord is lord over all [of us] and [he is] abounding in riches (blessings) for all who call on him [in faith and prayer]. for whoever calls on the name of the lord [in prayer] will be saved [joel 2:32]. romans 10:12,13 AMP

God, in his wisdom and forknowledge, knows everyone who belongs to him. When he sent christ, he knew there would be those who were not of israel that he would call his own. he, also, knew that not everyone in israel would believe in christ (Romans 9:6-13). Christ and what he did must be received by faith. this is why it says in romans 10:9,10, that whoever believes in their heart and confess Christ with their mouth (meaning speaking by faith His true existence and purpose) will be saved. Israel continued to believe in the law and its works,which had been given in times past through moses and which had been fulfilled on the cross (Romans 10:4), and they attempted to be justified by their works rather than through faith in christ. israel rejected christ and the gospel which tells of his life and purpose in the earth. there was a remnant in israel that believed in christ by faith and they were preserved by god. now because of israel’s rejection (Romans 10:21), christ was made available to those who didn’t even seek him out (Romans 10:20). So, we who are not of jewish origin, are grafted into the family of god through faith in jesus christ. we rejoice for this reason and not because of their rejection of christ. it is by grace that we are included and that we have access to the god of our salvation.

Note: The rejection by Israel is not final which is why we should never boast about being members of god’s family as if we had a right to this awesome privilege. Romans 11:11-36 says it this way [paraphrasing]: Israel, god’s own people, is the root, the main olive tree. some of its branches were broken off because of rejection and unbelief. other branches, the gentiles, were grafted into the original tree because of their faith and therefore became members of god’s family and joint heirs with christ. but as a part of god’s master plan, once the number of gentiles have been secured within the kingdom, god will make sure that all of israel (those with a personal faith in jesus the messiah) is saved or grafted in again. Israel’s rejection of christ gave way for the gentiles to come into the kingdom of god. But by grace are we saved!

Scripture References: Romans 8:14-17; Romans 10:12,13; Galatians 3:26-29; Galatians 4:6,7; Genesis 12:3; Acts 11:18; Acts 13:42-48; Romans 11:11-36

reflective journal prompts

Take this time to reflect and journal using the following prompt questions. Use this time for introspection and communion with god. feel free to leave a comment on the post but use your own journal to go deeper and to capture your thoughts on what was shared in the post.

Q: What does it mean to you to be grafted into the family of god?

Q: when you look over your life, how has being grafted into the family of god appeared or showed up for you in your life?

Q: what responsibility does this truth carry in your life?

In your journal write a prayer of gratitude to god for including you in his plan in the way that he did and for all the benefits that comes as a result of him choosing you.

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